Wednesday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 12/4/12 8:17 pm - Philadelphia, PA

Good Morning PA!

Up and dreading today.  I am off today, we are heading into Center City for legal stuff for the house.  I will need to relive that dark period of my life over again and not looking forward to that.  Hopefully it will be over and done with quickly - who knows since opposing counsel is involved.

Hider is still not accepting Ez.  Seems that her dislike of him is increasing.  I feel bad for both kitties.  Hider just wants to be left alone.  Ez wants a buddy.  When Hider walks into a room we count to 3 and Ez is right behind watching her and trying to engage her.  I feel bad for Hider she's an older cat - been an only cat for 13 yrs, wondering if this is good for her health.  If it keeps up I think I'm going to need to make a vet appt for her to see if there is anything we can do to help her with this.

I hope you all have a wonderful day....



on 12/5/12 12:26 am

Good Morning Ida and PA!

Good luck today! I hope that it does go by quickly and fairly painlessly!!

Give the cats a chance, we have had Tinkerbell for 16 years and she was also an only cat for the last 6 or so years. When we brought in other cats she just did not want to get along with anyone. When we got Kempo, she was hesitant but has learned to live with him and Raul. It has taken time but it will happen!

Today is my typical, STRESSFUL, Wednesday!! I HATE WEDNESDAYS!!!! Besides having a full teaching schedule, I also have kids that I see after school then I have to rush out to take my daughter and her friend to hebrew school by 4:30!


Well, enough my ranting about my stress!!

Have a GREAT day!!

Love, Beth">">>

on 12/5/12 3:09 am - PA

Good luck with the legal stuff today Ida.  I can't imagine the hell that you and Gene have been going through these past months.  Hopefully the end is in sight and you will get some kind of justice.  Today is pretty quiet for me - need to run to the bank and I have an appointment to see my therapist.  Had to cut down my time to 30 minutes every three weeks but it is better than nothing.  This forces me to be very focused when I go to see her.  Don' t have time to fool around - have to process a lot on my own and then present it to her.  It is forcing me to stand on my own two feet.  Anyhow I am sending good thoughts your way.

Beth I hope that you make it through your crazy Wednesday.  Hang in there.  Take care.



Patricia R.
on 12/5/12 3:52 am - Perry, MI

Good Afternoon Ida and PA,

Ida, I hope your legal matter went your way.  I know this nightmare never seems to end for you.  Hugs!!!

I have had a crazy, busy day so far.  AA meeting, baked a double batch of chocolate chip cookies, which I did not even taste.  They are now in the freezer for Christmas.  Last night, I made peanut butter cup cookies that are in the freezer, and I did not taste them either.  Then, I went to the store to pick up a tablecloth and hangers I have needed, and always forgotten every other time I went there.

Anywho, I will be starting my last batch of cookies tonight.  I plan to go to a second AA meeting at supper time.  Before then, I have some more organizing to do in my bedroom.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Laureen S.
on 12/5/12 3:57 am - Maple Shade, NJ


Hope all went well today. . .

I love kitties, but am very allergic to them, grew up with them and developed allergies around puberty.  I hope that it gets easier for Hider and Ez, but cats have such diverse personalities you just never know.  I have a good friend who had a cat that loved people and hated other cats (Briscoe) and one day after a few years, she found a kitten in the tree by where she lived, no tags, no owner and she named that  cat Sammie.  Briscoe wanted nothing to do with Sammie and would attack Sammie from time to time, she had both cats for a long time and Sammie got sick and had to be put down.  Well Briscoe would go all over the house after than and meow for long periods, the vet said even though Briscoe did not like sharing his home with Sammie, he was grieving, as was my friend, so she decided to give some time to the local shelter and she worked in the room with the older cats (over 3 years old), anyway, after a few months, she decided to adopt this one kittie that she named Daisy.  She thought it might help Briscoe with his grief, well he just went about trying to attack her, Briscoe eventually went to kitty heaven and my friend is happy with the one cat she now has, who while Briscoe was alive was very subdued and stayed out of his way, she tells me that Daisy's personality has taken a complete 180 and she is now a one cat person. 

I'm at work, going to watch my grandchildren at the gym this evening and possibly dinner afterwards. . .

Hope everyone has a good day!


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

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